Altering Egos
@Irre Space

Installation | Curation | Spring 2023 | Germany

Altering Egos at Irre Space, a student-run gallery at Bauhaus University, was an exhibition focused on the theme of identity. The Irre Space team was composed of three members: Berta Colomer, Margarida Bolsa, and myself. We had a two-week deadline to curate and set up an exhibition for the space.

Learn more about the exhibition in the press release:

Part of the exhibition was 'Disconnection' an art installation I developed. This work explores digital identity, reflecting on our increasing connectivity to the digital world through social media and screen time, which ‘disconnects’ us from physical reality.

Disconnection Installation Plan

Coding Process

Further Details

  • This involves a live feed from a laptop camera processed through OpenProcessing software. I coded a program to convert the live image into binary code (zeros and ones). Additionally, randomly generated red dots appear, drawing viewers' attention away from the projection as the color fills the whole room and towards other elements of the installation.

  • Symbolically, the number 18 signifies 'life' in Judaism. The strings as they go over the viewer’s head invites them to contemplate their lives and be present in the moment.

  • I displayed photographs I took of the visitors on the strings. These images allowed them to see themselves not only in the live feed but also as a lasting part of the installation.


