NOVA Space
@Schiller Museum

Exhibition Design | Spring 2023 | Germany

I joined the NOVA Space team, the university gallery at Bauhaus University Weimar, serving as an assistant exhibition designer under the guidance of head curator Katharina Wendler and technical head Till Röttjer. Our project transformed the existing Schiller Museum’s architecture into a versatile exhibition space for the POWER HOUSE program residency. I was responsible for the lighting, and structural modifications, including wall and ceiling adaptations, to facilitate the evolving exhibition. I also assisted with the installation of AV equipment for certain works.

3D Models of Adapted Exhibition Space

The selection of images are in order of the three exhibitions I worked on showing the expansion of the POWERHOUSE space.

Jannis Uffrecht

Exhibiting Artists:
Hannah Aßmann-Staudt, Mirsini Artakianou, Buba Beboshvili, Esther Betz & Mara Kossira, Margrét H. Blöndal, Verena von Beckerath & Barbara Schönig, Elisa Breyer, Moritz Eggert, Maria Fabricius, Felix Deiters, Sofia Hultén, Ian Kiaer, Kyuhyun Kim, Milan / Inner Courtyard, Emma von Helden & Paula Pichler, Anna Miklavcic, Ioannis Oriwol, Christian Andrés Parra Sánchez, Leon Purtscher, Negar Rahnamae, Juro Carl Anton Reinhardt, Charlotte Rohde, Till Röttjer, Masami Saito, Hauke Scholz, Katrin Steiger, Martha Steinmetz, Rio Usui, and Khashayar Zandyavari.


Diesel Design & Solutions

